
System and Message Overviews

Document Version: 7.9

Date: July 27, 2020

Copyright © 2009-2023 Jeppesen. All rights reserved. Your use of the AIM Bookshelf and all supporting documentation is subject to a separate license agreement between you and Jeppesen, a copy of which is included in the zip file or can be obtained from Jeppesen. The AIM Bookshelf is delivered "AS IS" without warranty of any kind and is not guaranteed to be free from errors or defects. You rely on the AIM Bookshelf at your own risk. No support for the AIM Bookshelf is implied through its publication. The AIM Bookshelf is intended solely for use as a reference and examples of interfaces to Jeppesen systems. Jeppesen may revise, update or cease publication at any time, without notice. Building to the specifications set forth in the AIM Bookshelf does not mean that your intended integration needs will be met or that an interface will function as documented. We recommend contacting Jeppesen directly to discuss professional services options with respect to production application integration and validation efforts.


Document Revision History

The following revision history table reflects all substantive changes to this document.


Description of Updates Made


No changes since previous release.

01-October-09 Added new message DRAFT WX004.
Added new message DRAFT WX005. This message will eventually replace WX001.
18-November-09 Updates to DRAFT messages WX004 and WX005.
01-April-10 Added new DRAFT message WX006.
31-July-10 Added new messages WX007 and WX008. Updated WX004 from DRAFT to version 1.


Updated WX005 and WX007


Updated WX005 and WX007


Updated WX005 xsd, add enumeration TAF_FC, WX005 req/resp sample updates

24-March-11 New XSD. Updated message WX005v1.
8-June-11 New XSD. Updated message WX006v1, and WX005v2.
8-August-11 New XSD. Update sample messages to v2: WX005v2, WX005v2, WX005v2,  WX005v2.
15-November-11 New XSD. Update messages WX005 - SIGMET coded/decoded rewrite.
1-May-2012 New XSD. Update messages WX002v2, WX005v3. New WX009vA.
7-June-2012 Wx009 - Minor title corrections (Wx to Weather). Updated Wx009 Message Overview.
15-August-2012 New XSD. Updated Wx009 - Updated ceiling, wind, visibility to be same structure as decoded TAF in WX005 response, for consistency. Update "priortyOrder" to priorityOrder in both the request and response.
26-February-2013 New XSD. Updated Wx009 - Response: add optional "stationError", text, to the consolidatedWxReportResponse/weatherReport. Weather.xsd - WX009 Consolidated Weather Sources Response, v2 This is related to JIRA AOCi-603 requirements and moves this to version 2.
23-July-13 New XSD. WX009 v1 Deprecated.
19-March-14 New XSD. Updated WX009 to version 3 response, added element for error at the rawReport level.
18-September-14 New XSD. Updated weather types as repeatable (for: other, obscuration, precipitation, descriptor, proximity). Added structure in WX004 to allow TAF request for ALL airports, and response to return worldwide TAFs in effect.
26-May-15 New XSD. Added new DRAFT WX010 vA "Hazardous Wx Risk Alerts" request/response to support Jepp Wx Alerts (JWA), Added new DRAFT WX011 vA "Available Graphic Wx Images" request/response (Query to find all relevant graphic wx images), and added New DRAFT WX012 vA "Get Graphic Wx Images" request/response to return all relevant graphic wx images.
3-March-16 New XSD. Updated WX005: Added the ability to make request by Lat Lon Coordinates (geographicType). Requests using lat/lon means that the request is for WAP Winds Aloft only.
27-July-16 New XSD. WX011 request to version 1, added: region, category, productTitle, graphicType, graphicColor. WX011 Response to version 1, added: fileCreationTime (Date / time of when map was created), ColorOrBlackAndWhite (An indicator for Color versus black and white), ChartType (forecast or analysis), flightLevel (flight level), fileValidTime (Date/time of the start of the chart's vaild period),forecastPeriod (just a string), graphicType (VWG or GIF). WX012 Request to version 1, added: choice for URL or Data. WX012 Response to version 1, add: same as WX011 response.
15-November-16 New XSD.
Updated WX007 to version 2, for route string.
Updated WX005 to version 6, Added +FC to enumeration to OtherWeatherType, added "T" to enumerations for temperatureType elements, updateed annotation in WX005 response for issuanceDayTime to read "For WAP only", rather than "For WAFD only", removed annotation for "latitude" in WX005 response, changed flight level to altitude with attributes for units in WX005 request, modified WX005 to handle Decoded PIREPS, added INTER to WX005 enumerations, modified WX005 to handle Decoded PIREPs, updated enumerations for ReportNameType for WeatherRetrieval: METAR, TAF, SPECI, WA, WAFD, PIREP, FC, and changed request/response latitude, longitude, and elevation to required,
Updated WX013 to version 1.

New XSD.
Updated WX001 to version 3, Updated location to allow for icao/iata or lat/lon coords, and/or altitude.
Updated WX003 to version C.
WX005 to version 7, Modified WX005 to handle Decoded PIREPs. Added another PIREP Observed Location to WX005. Updated enumerations for ReportNameType for WeatherRetrieval: METAR, TAF, SPECI, WA, WAFD, PIREP, FC. Removed SPECI enumeration in WX005.
Updated WX011 v1 and WX012 v1, Added errorType elements to WX011, WX012 response messages.
Updated WX013 v1, updated annotations.
Updated WX014 to version B, Added "most efficient" enumeration to the graphicWxOutputFormat element in WX014 request (this new value is Most Efficient). Added "most efficient" enumeration to the graphicWxOutputFormat element in WX014 request. Modified WX014 request to support NAVAID, NDB, VOR for geographicArea. Modified <uniqueIdentifier to optional. The value, when selected, indicates to the HWS that a file should be returned in the most efficient format based on the file size. That is, if the file size is above a certain threshold, the system sends the file to a URL. If it is below a certain threshold, the system sends the file in Base64 format.


New XSD.
* Updated WX003 to version D-Defined category as common type within Weather.xsd, added "All" enumeration to GraphicWxCategoryType, added KML and KMZ as output types to the response.
* Updated WX011 to version 2-Added support for querying and outputting KML and KMZ, created a common type for Category and Region, converted Category to enums, added enumeration "UKMO T4" to global element GraphixWxRegionsType/region, added "All" enumeration to GraphicWxCategoryType, added chart Titles enumerations.
* Updated WX012 to version 2-Converted Category to enums, added "All" enumeration to GraphicWxCategoryType, added chart Titles enumerations, added ability to request either single or multiple graphic image requests, defined category as common type within Weather.xsd, and added support for querying and outputting KML and KMZ.
* Updated WX014 to version C-Added the ability to query graphical weather by geographic region to the request, added KML and KMZ as output types to the response, added flightLevel to geographicArea/geographicPointType as an optional integer with a UOM of Hundreds of Feet to the request, defined category as common type within Weather.xsd, modified to support 72 hr forecast intervals, modified request to support NAVAID, NDB, VOR for weather between two points, changed ForecastPeriod name in textWxRequest to textWxForecastPeriod, and changed ForecastPeriod name in graphicWxRequest was changed to graphicWxForecastPeriod.


New XSD.
* Added Wx001 sample message
* Updated WX005 to version 8 - Removed each accessType from the WX005 subsections - In the WX005 message, accessType shows up on in the request; Added decoded TAFs to Point Version Response in the WX005 message; Added accessType for FD Pro authenication and authorization; Added cross-versioning.
* Updated WX007 to version 3 - Updated Request message: optl element for minimumRunwayLength, UOM is 100's feet; optl element for maximumAirportElevation, UOM is feet. Optl element for crashFireIndex, string; optl element for swathWidth, UOM is NM; Added responseFormat (raw, decoded, both); make routeString required; Updated Response message: optl element for minimumRunwayLength, UOM is 100's feet; optl element for maximumAirportElevation, UOM is feet. Optl element for crashFireIndex, string; optl element for swathWidth, UOM is NM; make routeString required.
* Updated WX014 to version C - Changed textWxRequest to textWxForecastPeriod, graphicWxRequest to graphicWxForecastPeriod.


New XSD.
* Updated WX003 to Version 1
* Updated WX014 to Version 1


New XSD.
* Updated WX003 to version 2: Changed type of latitude and longitude element in DecodedWindsAloftType from String3 to String5. WX003 vD Weather Notification PUBLISH / decodedPwResponse / windsAloft / latitude, longitude change from String3 to String5. Update version in MessageCatalogTemplate.
* Added coordinates/latitude, longitude (GeographicPointType) to PqPwResponseBodyDataGroupType for support of raw winds aloft data. Data group exists in: WX003 vE PUBLISH weather notification/wxNotification/wxReport/pqPwResponse, WX005 v9 REQUEST/RESPONSE weatherServiceResponse /pointQueryRawDecodedResponse/ pqResponseBodyDataType / pqPwResponseBodyDataGroup, WX007 v4 REQUEST/RESPONSE enrouteWxResponse / pointQueryRawDecodedResponse /pointQueryRawDecodedResponse / pqResponseBodyDataType /pqPwResponseBodyDataGroup, WX014 vD REQUEST/RESPONSE weatherNotificationResponse/ wxNotification / wxReport / pqPwResponse.
* AIM Changes for GeoJSON integration into HWS (WX003 WX011 WX012 WX014).
* WX005 v9: Added WeatherServiceResponse / pointQueryRawDecodedResponseGroupType – added geographicPointType / latitude, longitude. Add optional radius to pointQueryRawDecodedResponseGroupType.
* WX007 v4 EnrouteWeatherResponse / pointQueryRawDecodedResponseGroupType - adds geographicPointType / latitude, longitude because of the shared pointQueryRawDecodedGroupType from WX005. NOTE: geographicPointType / latitude, longitude is not contained in the WX007 request.
* WX014 v2: Defined NavigationPointType elements ndb, vor, vorTac as xs:string.
* New WX015 v1: Added to support request/response for all global for TAFs, METARs.


New XSD.
* Updated WX003 to version 3: Moved WX notification WX003 Publish
* Updated WX014 request/response to prod version 3.
* Updated WX003 to version 3, WX011 to version 4, WX012 to version 4, and WX014 to version 3: Added "Winds and Temps Aloft"
* Updated WX003 to version 3, WX005 to version 10, WX007 to version 5, and WX014 to version 3: Added AIRMET and SIGMET to the WX007 Response (changes WX003, WX005, WX007, WX014 responses). Changed enrouteWeatherGroup/responseFormat to required.
* Updated WX015 to version 2: Added airmet, sigmet, pirep, vaac, to response.
* Updated Wx009 version 3: Response data types were missing.


New XSD.
* Updated WX014 to version 4, Changed geographicArea group of elements to repeatable so that Aviator may make a single request for multiple geo areas.


New XSD.
* Updated WX003 to version 4, WX005 to version 11, WX014 to version 5, and WX015 to version 3 - Added Decoded VAAC - Volcanic Ash Advisory Center Bulletin.
* Updated WX007 to version 6 - Added VAAC to productName, and decoded volcanicAshAdvisory structure to response.
* Updated WX011 to version 5, WX012 to version 5, and WX014 to version 5 - Added "levelOfDetail" element to WX011, WX014 request and WX011, WX012, WX014 response. "levelOfDetail" to be optional, integer with a range from 1 to 100. Annotations: level of detail with a selection of 100 = highest level of detail and is the largest file size, for best use outside of the cockpit. 1 = lowest level of detail and is the smallest file size. Best use on mobile devices. Level of detail is not specified, a default of 1 will be assumed by the receiving system.  
* Updated WX011 to version 5 - Added AIRMETs to WX011 productTitle.
* Updated WX014 to version 5 - Added "WAP" to "textWxProducts" tag in WX014 request.
* Updated Wx015 to version 3 - Changed "allEffectiveVaacs" elemement to maxOccurs="unbounded" in WX015 response.


New XSD.
* Updated WX005 to version 12, WX011 to version 6, WX014 to version 6, and WX015 to version 4 - WX011 productTitle, added enumerations (up version to v6) : WSI SIGMET, WSI FPG;
* Updated WX007 to version 7 - Added required element to WX007 request that is repeatable where a value of one or many may be selected: TAF, METAR, WAFD, PIREP, SIGMET, AIRMET, VAAC, WSI FPG, WSI SIGMET
* Updated WX003 to version 5, WX011 to version 6, WX012 to version 6, and WX014 to version 6 - Added "CONUS Surface Forecast", "Global Surface Forecast" to productTitle/GraphicImageTitlesType. Changed "Radar Winter Mosaic" to "Canada Radar Winter Mosaic" and "U.S. Radar Winter Mosaic in GraphicWxImageTitlesType. Added "Upper Level Analysis" to productTitle/GraphicImageTitlesType. Added "Tropical Cyclone Tracks" to productTitle/GraphicImageTitlesType. Added "High Ice Water Content Analysis", "High Ice Water Content Forecast" to productTitle/GraphicImageTitlesType. GraphicImageTitlesType is in WX003, PUBLISH, WX011 Request/Response, WX012 Request/Response, WX014 Request/Response. Updating enumerations, "Lifting Index to Lifted Index".
* Updated WX014 to version 6, Made geographicArea repeatable so that a single request can be made for multiple locations.

2-October-19 etd Removed WX004v1WSIWeatherFeed.xml, WX004BWSIWeatherFeed.xml samples, and WX005v10Response.xml

New XSD.
* Updated WX011 to version 7 - Added NEXRAD Radar Sumary Table: enumeration to AvailableGraphicWxImagesRequest type. Changed enumeration for NEXRAD to delete the null value, and update annotation for wrapping issue.
* Updated WX003 to v6, WX012 to v7, WX014 to v7 - Changed enumeration for NEXRAD to delete the null value, and update annotation for wrapping issue.


New XSD.
* Updated WX003 to version 7 - Added "Icing Forecast", and "Turbulence Forecast" to WX003 graphicWxImageTitle. //weatherNotification/wxNotification/wxReport/graphicWxOutput/graphicWxImageTitle
* Updated WX005 to version 13 - Added "wxSourceName" optional string element to response only, at: //element(*,WeatherServiceResponseType)/pointQueryRawDecodedResponseGroup/wxSourceName, //element(*,WeatherServiceResponseType)/significantWxResponse/wxSourceName, //element(*,WeatherServiceResponseType)/advisoryWxResponse/wxSourceName
* Updated WX011 to version 8 - Added "wxSourceName" optional string element to response only, at: //element(*,AvailableGraphicWxImagesResponseType)/availableGraphicWxImagesCatalog/availableGraphicWxImagesListResponseGroup/wxSourceName - Added "Icing Forecast", and "Turbulence Forecast" to WX011 Request productTitle: //availableGraphicWxImageRequest/requestListAvailableImages/productTitle - WX011 Response graphicWxImageTitle: //availableGraphicWxImagesResponse/availableGraphicWxImagesCatalog/availableGraphicWxImagesListResponseGroup/graphicWxImageTitle
* Updated WX012 - Added "Icing Forecast", and "Turbulence Forecast" to WX012 graphicWxImageTitle. //singleGraphicImageRequest/productTitle, //getGraphicWxImages/graphicWxImageTitle
* Updated WX014 to version 8- Added "Icing Forecast", and "Turbulence Forecast" to WX014 graphicWxImageTitle. //wxNotification/wxReport/graphicWxOutput/graphicWxImageTitle - Added CWA (Center Weather Advisory), SWXA (Space Weather Advisory) to //WeatherNotificationRequestType)/weatherProducts/textWxRequest/textWxProducts - Added "wxSourceName" optional string element to response only, at: //element(*,WeatherNotificationResponseType)/wxSourceName
* Updated WX015 to version 5- Added CWA (Center Weather Advisory), SWXA (Space Weather Advisory) to //GlobalWxInEffect/wxInEffectRequest - Added "wxSourceName", optional string element to response only, at: //element(*,GlobalWxInEffectResponseType)/allEffectiveTafs/wxSourceName, //element(*,GlobalWxInEffectResponseType)/allEffectiveMetars/wxSourceName, //element(*,GlobalWxInEffectResponseType)/allEffectivePireps/wxSourceName, //element(*,GlobalWxInEffectResponseType)/allEffectiveSigmets/wxSourceName, //element(*,GlobalWxInEffectResponseType)/allEffectiveAirmets/wxSourceName, //element(*,GlobalWxInEffectResponseType)/allEffectiveVaacs/wxSourceName


New XSD.
* Updated WX003 to version 8 - Added 3 enumerations to WX011 productTitle defined as GraphicWxImages type: Accumulated Precipitation Mosaic, Global Visible Satellite Imagery, Forecast Radar Mosaic. Additions of enumerations to WxImages type also changes WX003, WX012, WX014.
* Updated WX005 to version 14 - Added GAMET enumeration to SignificantWxProductNameType causes updates. Added 3 enumerations to WX011 productTitle defined as GraphicWxImages type: Accumulated Precipitation Mosaic, Global Visible Satellite Imagery, Forecast Radar Mosaic. Additions of enumerations to WxImages type also changes WX003, WX012, WX014.
* Updated WX007 to version 8 - Added GAMET enumeration to SignificantWxProductNameType causes updates.
* Updated WX011 to version 9 - Added 3 enumerations to WX011 productTitle defined as GraphicWxImages type: Accumulated Precipitation Mosaic, Global Visible Satellite Imagery, Forecast Radar Mosaic. Additions of enumerations to WxImages type also changes WX003, WX012, WX014.
* Updated WX012 to version 8 - Added 3 enumerations to WX011 productTitle defined as GraphicWxImages type: Accumulated Precipitation Mosaic, Global Visible Satellite Imagery, Forecast Radar Mosaic. Additions of enumerations to WxImages type also changes WX003, WX012, WX014.
* Updated WX014 to version 9 - Added GAMET enumeration to SignificantWxProductNameType causes updates. Added 3 enumerations to WX011 productTitle defined as GraphicWxImages type: Accumulated Precipitation Mosaic, Global Visible Satellite Imagery, Forecast Radar Mosaic. Additions of enumerations to WxImages type also changes WX003, WX012, WX014.
* Updated WX015 to version 6 - Added GAMET enumeration to SignificantWxProductNameType causes updates to: WX005, WX007, WX014, WX015.

Table Of Contents


1 Introduction

This document defines the interfaces which govern the interchange of data between a Weather system and other systems within an Airline Operation Center (AOC).  Each AOC interface is represented by a message described in an associated XSD (XML Schema Definition). The XSD defines and enforces the required, optional, and conditional data that can be included in a message.

Weather systems provide textual, graphical, and NOTAM information for the purposes of flight management.

1.1  Audience

The intended audience for this document includes existing and potential Jeppesen customers, integration partners, and personnel with roles associated with application architecture, application development, system testing, implementation, and application support within Weather.

1.2  Scope

This document discusses the Weather messages currently supported by the Jeppesen Solution Integrator. Each message description includes the following:

  • Overview for common message uses within an AOC
  • Message Version Summary listing all available versions of each message
  • Links to the message specifications including direct links to XSD documentation, where you can explore the XSD hierarchy and interface specifications in a navigable HTML format
  • Links to the XSD source code
  • Links to sample XML messages for each AOC message

Other data interfaces or formats not included in this document will be considered custom and not supported.

1.3  XML Schema/XSD

The XML schema for this ICD is published in the following file: Weather.XSD

1.4  Key Concepts

1.4.1 Weather Data

Weather data is received from external sources into an AOC’s Weather system.  Once there, the data is processed and correlated where it can be retrieved and provided to other AOC systems.  Weather sources are varied and include such entities as the National Weather Service, FAA, and Jeppesen NOTAM Service. Weather Data includes reports such as METARS, TAFS, SIGMETS, and NOTAMS.

2  Message Summary

Table 2-1 lists the messages that can be sent or handled by the application. The messages originated by this application (messages that begin with “WX”) are further discussed in Section 3 AOC Interface Messages.

Table 2-1 Message Summary








Point Query






WMO Query






Weather Notification






WSI Weather Feed






Weather Service






Jeppesen Weather Feed






Enroute Weather






WSI Turbulence Weather






Consolidated Weather Sources Query






Hazardous Wx Risk Alerts






Available Graphic Wx Images






Get Graphic Wx Images






Historical Weather






Weather Notifications






Global Wx In Effect






3 AOC Interface Messages

The following messages are processed by the Weather system.

3.1 WX001 – Point Query

3.1.1  Message Overview

Systems within the AOC can request weather data from the Weather system. The Point Query message allows these systems to request weather for a specific point (location and time) in an appropriate format (product). This message is often used to create a weather briefing, which consists of weather data for multiple locations.
The Point Query request includes the following primary fields:

  • location – the geographical point for which the weather is requested; the location should conform to the IATA or ICAO location standard.
  • time – date and time for which the weather is requested.
  • weatherProduct – name of the weather product to be returned to the requesting system; valid products are listed below in Table 3-6 .

The Weather system receives a request for this data, processes the request and then returns the requested report (product) to the other AOC system.

For example, the Dispatch system requests weather information related to Flight 1234 from LAX to SFO. In a single Point Query message, Dispatch requests weather for the following points and times:

LOCATION           TIME                      PRODUCT             
LAX               AUGUST 10, 2007 0900       TAF, PIREP
SFO               AUGUST 10, 2007 1010       TAF, PIREP

The Weather system processes the request and then sends a single Point Query response message to the Dispatch system containing four groups of data:

  • LAX TAF product report for 0900 on August 10, 2007.
  • LAX PIREP product report for 0900 on August 10, 2007.
  • LAX TAF product report for 1010 on August 10, 2007.
  • LAX PIREP product report for 1010 on August 10, 2007.

3.1.2  Message System Flow

This message interacts with the systems as shown in Figure 1.

WX001 message system flow

Figure 1. WX001 message system flow

3.1.3   Message Details

The following table provides details on the message version and includes links to the message’s technical specification.

Message Version

WX001 v3

Message Header Details (REQUEST/RESPONSE)

msgName: WX001
version: 3

Message Specification

WX001 PointQueryRequestType
WX001 PointQueryResponseType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages


Message Version History

* Updated field descriptions for WX001 to better describe usage. Within WX001, changed the field name “airport” to “location.” This was done to prevent confusion, as a point query can be done on any location code, and not just an airport.
* Changed “product” field to “weatherProduct.” In order to conform to standards, the word “Group” was added to the repeating names.

* Updated location to allow for icao/iata or lat/lon coords, and/or altitude.


3.2 WX002 – WMO Query

3.2.1 Message Overview

The WMO query request accepts the WMO header and the version of the weather products. Multiple versions of the header may be retrieved in a single request. Following is the data definition explaining attributes and elements in the request and response.

3.2.2  Message System Flow

This message interacts with the systems as shown in Figure 2.

WX002 message system flow

Figure 2. WX002 message system flow

The following table provides details

3.2.3  Message Details

on the message and includes links to the message’s technical specification.

Message Version

WX002 v2

Message Header Details (REQUEST/RESPONSE)

msgName: WX002
version: 2

Message Specification

WX002 WMOQueryRequestType
WX002 WMOQueryResponseType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages

Samples not available for this message version.

Message Version History

Version 1:
* All “header” names changed to more descriptive tags (for example, headerKey changed to headerKeyRequest). All “version” names changed to more descriptive tags (for example, weatherVersionRequest). In order to conform to standards, the word “Group” was added to the repeating names.

Version 2:
* Restructured wmoRequestGroup to be in line with WMO request codes.
* Restructured wmoResponseGroup to accommodate WMO request codes responses.


3.3  WX003 – Weather Notification

3.3.1  Message Overview

This message is published to other systems within an AOC when certain ceiling or visibility thresholds are met. These alert thresholds are configured within the Weather system.

For example, JEPP Airlines has configured their weather system to alert the dispatcher when the ceiling at Denver International (DEN) drops below 2000 feet. On August 17 at 0900, the ceiling crosses this threshold. The Weather system automatically sends the Dispatch system a notification, which includes:

  • alertCategory – in this example, the category is C (for Ceiling)
  • airport – the location of the weather event (DEN)
  • thresholdData – the actual threshold data (Ceiling at 2000)
  • weatherData – message text containing the weather data

3.3.2  Message System Flow

This message interacts with the systems as shown in Figure 3.

WX003 message system flow

Figure 3. WX003 message system flow

3.3.3  Message Details

The following table provides details on the message and includes links to the message’s technical specification.

Message Version

WX003 v8

Message Header Details

msgName: WX003
msgClass: PUBLISH
version: 8

Message Specification

WX003 WeatherNotificationType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages

Samples not available for this message version.

Message Version History

Version C:
Initial message

Version D:
* Defined category as common type within Weather.xsd, added "All" enumeration to GraphicWxCategoryType, added KML and KMZ as output types to the response.

Version 1:
* Moved to version 1.

Version 2:
* Changed type of latitude and longitude element in DecodedWindsAloftType from String3 to String5. WX003 vD Weather Notification PUBLISH / decodedPwResponse / windsAloft / latitude, longitude change from String3 to String5. Update version in MessageCatalogTemplate.
* Added coordinates/latitude, longitude (GeographicPointType) to PqPwResponseBodyDataGroupType for support of raw winds aloft data. Data group exists in: WX003 vE PUBLISH weather notification/wxNotification/wxReport/pqPwResponse.
* AIM Changes for GeoJSON integration into HWS.

Version 3:
* Added "Winds and Temps Aloft"
* Added AIRMET and SIGMET to the WX007 Response (changes WX003, WX005, WX007, WX014 responses). Changed enrouteWeatherGroup/responseFormat to required.

Version 4:
* Added Decoded VAAC - Volcanic Ash Advisory Center Bulletin

Version 5:
* Added "CONUS Surface Forecast", "Global Surface Forecast" to productTitle/GraphicImageTitlesType, Changed "Radar Winter Mosaic" to "Canada Radar Winter Mosaic" and "U.S. Radar Winter Mosaic in GraphicWxImageTitlesType, Added "Upper Level Analysis" to productTitle/GraphicImageTitlesType, Added "Tropical Cyclone Tracks" to productTitle/GraphicImageTitlesType, Added "High ice Water Content Analysis", "High Ice Water Content Forecast" to productTitle/GraphicImageTitlesType, and GraphicImageTitlesType is in WX003, PUBLISH, WX011 Request/Response, WX012 Request/Response, WX014  Request/Response. Updating enumerations, "Lifting Index to Lifted Index".

Version 6:
* Changed enumeration for NEXRAD to delete the null value, and update annotation for wrapping issue.

Version 7:
* Added "Icing Forecast", and "Turbulence Forecast" to WX003 graphicWxImageTitle. //weatherNotification/wxNotification/wxReport/graphicWxOutput/graphicWxImageTitle

Version 8:
* Added 3 enumerations to WX011 productTitle defined as GraphicWxImages type: Accumulated Precipitation Mosaic, Global Visible Satellite Imagery, Forecast Radar Mosaic. Additions of enumerations to WxImages type also changes WX003, WX012, WX014.


3.4  WX004 – WSI Weather Feed

3.4.1  Message Overview

This message allows customers to pass weather information from a WSI weather feed source through AOCi to consuming weather products and services.

3.4.2  Message System Flow

This message interacts with the systems as shown in Figure 4.

WX004 message system flow

Figure 4. WX004 message system flow

3.4.3  Message Details

The following table provides details on the message and includes links to the message’s technical specification.

Message Version

WX004 v1

Message Header Details

msgName: WX004
msgClass: PUBLISH
version: 1

Message Specification

WX004 WsiWeatherFeedType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages

Samples not available for this message version.

Message Version History No changes.

*** 10-2-19 edit: No Version Change: Removed WX004v1WSIWeatherFeed.xml, and WX004BWSIWeatherFeed.xml sample


3.5 WX005 – Weather Service

3.5.1  Message Overview

Systems within the AOC can request weather data from the Weather system. The Point Query message allows these systems to request weather for a specific point (location and time) in an appropriate format (product). This message is often used to create a weather briefing, which consists of weather data for multiple locations.
The Point Query request includes the following primary fields:

The Weather system receives a request for this data, processes the request and then returns the requested report (product) to the other AOC system.

For example, the Dispatch system requests weather information related to Flight 1234 from LAX to SFO. In a single Point Query message, Dispatch requests weather for the following points and times:

LOCATION           TIME                       PRODUCT             
LAX                 AUGUST 10, 2007 0900       TAF, PIREP
SFO                 AUGUST 10, 2007 1010       TAF, PIREP

The Weather system processes the request and then sends a single Point Query response message to the Dispatch system containing four groups of data:

3.5.2  Message System Flow

This message interacts with the systems as shown in Figure 5.

WX005 message system flow

Figure 5. WX005 message system flow

3.5.3   Message Details

The following table provides details on the message version and includes links to the message’s technical specification.

Message Version

WX005 v14

Message Header Details

msgName: WX005 PointQueryRequest / Response
version: 14

Message Header Details

msgName: WX005 SignificantRequest / Response
version: 14

Message Specification

WX005 WeatherServiceRequestType
WX005 WeatherServiceResponseType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages

Samples not available for this message version.

Message Version History

Version 3:
* Removed old types: PointQueryRawDecodedRequestType, and PointQueryRawDecodedResponseType.
* Restructured entire FlightHzDataRequest to support new requirements for use by new products.

Version 4:
* Updated weather types as repeatable (for: other, obscuration, precipitation, descriptor, proximity).

Version 5:
* Added the ability to make request by Lat Lon Coordinates (geographicType). Requests using lat/lon means that the request is for WAP Winds Aloft only.

Version 6:
* Added +FC to enumeration to OtherWeatherType, added "T" to enumerations for temperatureType elements, updateed annotation in WX005 response for issuanceDayTime to read "For WAP only", rather than "For WAFD only", removed annotation for "latitude" in WX005 response, changed flight level to altitude with attributes for units in WX005 request, modified WX005 to handle Decoded PIREPS, added INTER to WX005 enumerations, modified WX005 to handle Decoded PIREPs, updated enumerations for ReportNameType for WeatherRetrieval: METAR, TAF, SPECI, WA, WAFD, PIREP, FC, and changed request/response latitude, longitude, and elevation to required.

Version 7:
* Modified WX005 to handle Decoded PIREPs. Added another PIREP Observed Location to WX005. Updated enumerations for ReportNameType for WeatherRetrieval: METAR, TAF, SPECI, WA, WAFD, PIREP, FC. Removed SPECI enumeration in WX005.

Version 8:
* Updated WX005 to version 8 - Removed each accessType from the WX005 subsections - In the WX005 message, accessType shows up on in the request; Added decoded TAFs to Point Version Response in the WX005 message; Added accessType for FD Pro authenication and authorization; Added cross-versioning.

Version 9:
* Added coordinates/latitude, longitude (GeographicPointType) to PqPwResponseBodyDataGroupType for support of raw winds aloft data. Data group exists in: WX005 v9 REQUEST/RESPONSE weatherServiceResponse /pointQueryRawDecodedResponse/ pqResponseBodyDataType / pqPwResponseBodyDataGroup
* Added WeatherServiceResponse / pointQueryRawDecodedResponseGroupType – geographicPointType / latitude, longitude.
* Added optional radius to pointQueryRawDecodedResponseGroupType.

Version 10:
* Added AIRMET and SIGMET to the WX007 Response (changes WX003, WX005, WX007, WX014 responses). Changed enrouteWeatherGroup/responseFormat to required.

Version 11:
* Added Decoded VAAC - Volcanic Ash Advisory Center Bulletin

Version 12:
* WX011 productTitle, added enumerations (up version to v6) : WSI SIGMET, WSI FPG;

*** 10-2-19 edit: No Version Change: Removed WX005v10Response.xml sample

Version 13:
* Added "wxSourceName" optional string element to response only, at: //element(*,WeatherServiceResponseType)/pointQueryRawDecodedResponseGroup/wxSourceName, //element(*,WeatherServiceResponseType)/significantWxResponse/wxSourceName, //element(*,WeatherServiceResponseType)/advisoryWxResponse/wxSourceName

Version 14:
* Added GAMET enumeration to SignificantWxProductNameType causes updates. Added 3 enumerations to WX011 productTitle defined as GraphicWxImages type: Accumulated Precipitation Mosaic, Global Visible Satellite Imagery, Forecast Radar Mosaic. Additions of enumerations to WxImages type also changes WX003, WX012, WX014.


3.6 WX006 – Jeppesen Weather Feed

3.6.1  Message Overview

This message allows customers to pass weather information from a weather feed source through AOCi to weather and dispatch products and services.

3.6.2  Message System Flow

This message interacts with the systems as shown in Figure 6.

WX006 message flow

Figure 6. WX006 message system flow

3.6.3   Message Details

The following table provides details on the message version and includes links to the message’s technical specification.

Message Version

WX006 v1

Message Header Details

msgName: WX006
msgClass: PUBLISH
version: 1

Message Specification

WX006 JeppesenWeatherFeedType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages


Message Version History Updated message.


3.7 WX007 – Enroute Weather

3.7.1  Message Overview

This message is used by aircraft to request weather information. The typical information flow is as follows:

  1. Aircraft sends request for weather information in an ACARS message.
  2. ACARS message is ret rived by a receiver on the ground (for example, Arinc).
  3. Message is forwarded to external system, which translates the information into the AOCi WX007 message format.
  4. WX007 is forwarded through AOCi to an external weather service.
  5. The weather service returns a response to the aircraft along the return path.

3.7.2  Message System Flow

This message interacts with the systems as shown in Figure 7.

WX007 message flow

Figure 7. WX007 message system flow

3.7.3   Message Details

The following table provides details on the message version and includes links to the message’s technical specification.

Message Version

WX007 v8

Message Header Details (REQUEST/RESPONSE)

msgName: WX007
version: 8

Message Specification

WX007 EnrouteWeatherRequestType
WX007 EnrouteWeatherResponseType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages

Samples not available for this message version.

Message Version History Updated sample message

Version 2:
* Updated route string

Version 3:
* Updated Request message: optl element for minimumRunwayLength, UOM is 100's feet; optl element for maximumAirportElevation, UOM is feet. Optl element for crashFireIndex, string; optl element for swathWidth, UOM is NM; Added responseFormat (raw, decoded, both); make routeString required;
Updated Response message: optl element for minimumRunwayLength, UOM is 100's feet; optl element for maximumAirportElevation, UOM is feet. Optl element for crashFireIndex, string; optl element for swathWidth, UOM is NM; make routeString required.

Version 4:
* Added coordinates/latitude, longitude (GeographicPointType) to PqPwResponseBodyDataGroupType for support of raw winds aloft data. Data group exists in: WX007 v4 REQUEST/RESPONSE enrouteWxResponse / pointQueryRawDecodedResponse /pointQueryRawDecodedResponse / pqResponseBodyDataType /pqPwResponseBodyDataGroup.
* WX007 v4 Added EnrouteWeatherResponse / pointQueryRawDecodedResponseGroupType - adds geographicPointType / latitude, longitude because of the shared pointQueryRawDecodedGroupType from WX005. NOTE: geographicPointType / latitude, longitude is not contained in the WX007 request.

Version 5:
* Add AIRMET and SIGMET to the WX007 Response (changes WX003, WX005, WX007, WX014 responses). Changed enrouteWeatherGroup/responseFormat to required.

Version 6:
* Added VAAC to productName, and decoded volcanicAshAdvisory structure to response.

Version 7:
* Added required element to WX007 request that is repeatable where a value of one or many may be selected: TAF, METAR, WAFD, PIREP, SIGMET, AIRMET, VAAC, WSI FPG, WSI SIGMET.

Version 8:
* Added GAMET enumeration to SignificantWxProductNameType causes updates.


3.8 WX008 – WSI Turbulence Weather

3.8.1  Message Overview

This message allows customers to pass turbulence-related weather information from a WSI weather feed source through AOCi to consuming weather products and services.

3.8.2  Message System Flow

This message interacts with the systems as shown in Figure 8.

WX008 message flow

Figure 8. WX008 message system flow

3.8.3   Message Details

The following table provides details on the message version and includes links to the message’s technical specification.

Message Version

WX008 v1

Message Header Details (RESPONSE)

msgName: WX008
msgClass: RESPONSE
version: 1

Message Specification

WX008 WsiTurbulenceWeatherType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages


Message Version History No changes.


3.9 WX009 – Consolidated Weather Sources Query

3.9.1  Message Overview

The TAF Consolidator service is intended to construct and present to the requesting Client applications a Decoded Consolidated TAF structure and related TAFs used to construct the Consolidated TAF. The intent is to use the TAF Consolidator service to support Client applications (e.g. Jeppesen Dispatch Control and JetPlan Engine), but may extend to customers with 2 TAF forecast source providers.

With two source providers of TAF forecasts, the Client applications have the challenge of selecting the right forecast for a specific time or time range and Station/Airport according to specific selection rules. The intent of the TAF Consolidator service is to alleviate the clients of the need to select from the sources and to provide a single time block segregated TAF structure that has provided the TAF source selection according to defined selection rules for each specific time block for the requested time period. That way, each client application can use the Decoded Consolidated TAF by time blocks and use that information in its internal logic or functionality. Since the selection logic is provided by the TAF Consolidator service, there is no need for each client to implement separate selection logic.

The TAF Consolidator Service will support a Response for the requesting Client. The response will include a Decoded Consolidated TAF structure related to the Stations (airports) provided in the request and related to the current time (request time) or a given time of interest provided in the request. For each Station and requested time block in the Request, the response will also include a full copy of the TAFs from each source that are a component of the decoded consolidated TAF. For the requested time period for each Station, this could involve several individual TAFs from each source.

3.9.2  Message System Flow

This message interacts with the systems as shown in Figure 9.

WX009 message flow

Figure 9. WX009 message system flow

3.9.3   Message Details

The following table provides details on the message version and includes links to the message's technical specification.

Message Version

WX009 v3

Message Header Details (REQUEST/RESPONSE)

msgName: WX009
version: 3

Message Specification

WX009 ConsolidatedWeatherSourcesQueryType
WX009 ConsolidatedWeatherSourcesResponseType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages

Samples not available for this message version.

Message Version History

Version 1:
* Deprecated.

Version 2:
* Added optional "stationError", text, to the consolidatedWxReportResponse/weatherReport.

Version 3:
* Added element for error at the rawReport level.


3.10 WX010 – Hazardous Wx Risk Alerts

3.10.1  Message Overview

The Message Overview for this version is not yet available for this DRAFT version.

3.10.2  Message System Flow

A Message Systems Flow diagram is not yet available for this DRAFT version.

3.10.3   Message Details

The following table provides details on the message version and includes links to the message's technical specification.

Message Version

WX010 vA

Message Header Details (REQUEST/RESPONSE)

msgName: WX010
version: A

Message Specification

WX010 HazardousWxRiskAlertsRequestType
WX010 HazardousWxRiskAlertsResponseType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages

Samples not yet available for this message version.

Message Version History

Version A:
* Initial DRAFT version


3.11 WX011 – Available Graphic Wx Images

3.11.1  Message Overview

The Message Overview for this version is not yet available for this DRAFT version.

3.11.2  Message System Flow

A Message Systems Flow diagram is not yet available for this DRAFT version.

3.11.3   Message Details

The following table provides details on the message version and includes links to the message's technical specification.

Message Version

WX011 v9

Message Header Details (REQUEST/RESPONSE)

msgName: WX011
version: 9

Message Specification

WX011 AvailableGraphicWxImagesRequestType
WX011 AvailableGraphicWxImagesResponseType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages

Samples not available for this message version.

Message Version History

Version A:
* Initial DRAFT Version

Version 1:
* Updated WX011 request, added: region, category, productTitle, graphicType, graphicColor.
* Updated WX011 Response, added: fileCreationTime (Date/time of when map was created), ColorOrBlackAndWhite (An indicator for Color versus black and white), ChartType (forecast or analysis), flightLevel (flight level), fileValidTime (Date/time of the start of the chart's vaild period),forecastPeriod (just a string), graphicType (VWG or GIF). Added errorType elements to WX011, WX012 response messages.

Version 2:
* Added support for querying and outputting KML and KMZ, created a common type for Category and Region, converted Category to enums, added enumeration "UKMO T4" to global element GraphixWxRegionsType/region, added "All" enumeration to GraphicWxCategoryType, and added chart Titles enumerations.

Version 3:
* AIM Changes for GeoJSON integration into HWS.

Version 4:
* Added "Winds and Temps Aloft"

Version 5:
* Added "levelOfDetail" element to WX011, WX014 request and WX011, WX012, WX014 response. "levelOfDetail" to be optional, integer with a range from 1 to 100. Annotations: level of detail with a selection of 100 = highest level of detail and is the largest file size, for best use outside of the cockpit. 1 = lowest level of detail and is the smallest file size. Best use on mobile devices. level of detail is not specified, a default of 1 will be assumed by the receiving system.  
* Added AIRMETs to WX011 productTitle.

Version 6:
* WX011 productTitle, added enumerations (up version to v6) : WSI SIGMET, WSI FPG;, Added "CONUS Surface Forecast", "Global Surface Forecast" to productTitle/GraphicImageTitlesType, Changed "Radar Winter Mosaic" to "Canada Radar Winter Mosaic" and "U.S. Radar Winter Mosaic in GraphicWxImageTitlesType, Added "Upper Level Analysis" to productTitle/GraphicImageTitlesType, Added "Tropical Cyclone Tracks" to productTitle/GraphicImageTitlesType, Added "High ice Water Content Analysis", "High Ice Water Content Forecast" to productTitle/GraphicImageTitlesType, and GraphicImageTitlesType is in WX003, PUBLISH, WX011 Request/Response, WX012 Request/Response, WX014  Request/Response. Updating enumerations, "Lifting Index to Lifted Index".

Version 7:
* Added NEXRAD Radar Sumary Table: enumeration to AvailableGraphicWxImagesRequest type. Changed enumeration for NEXRAD to delete the null value, and update annotation for wrapping issue.

Version 8:
* Added "wxSourceName" optional string element to response only, at: //element(*,AvailableGraphicWxImagesResponseType)/availableGraphicWxImagesCatalog/availableGraphicWxImagesListResponseGroup/wxSourceName - Added "Icing Forecast", and "Turbulence Forecast" to WX011 Request productTitle: //availableGraphicWxImageRequest/requestListAvailableImages/productTitle
WX011 Response graphicWxImageTitle: //availableGraphicWxImagesResponse/availableGraphicWxImagesCatalog/availableGraphicWxImagesListResponseGroup/graphicWxImageTitle.

Version 9:
* Added 3 enumerations to WX011 productTitle defined as GraphicWxImages type: Accumulated Precipitation Mosaic, Global Visible Satellite Imagery, Forecast Radar Mosaic. Additions of enumerations to WxImages type also changes WX003, WX012, WX014.


3.12 WX012 – Graphic Wx Images

3.12.1  Message Overview

The Message Overview for this version is not yet available for this DRAFT version.

3.12.2  Message System Flow

A Message Systems Flow diagram is not yet available for this DRAFT version.

3.12.3   Message Details

The following table provides details on the message version and includes links to the message's technical specification.

Message Version

WX012 v8

Message Header Details (REQUEST/RESPONSE)

msgName: WX012
version: 8

Message Specification

WX012 GraphicWxImagesRequestType
WX012 GetGraphicWxImagesResponseType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages

Samples not available for this message version.

Message Version History

Version A:
* Initial DRAFT Version

Version 1:
* Updated WX012 Request, added: choice for URL or Data.
* Updated WX012 Response, added: fileCreationTime (Date/time of when map was created), ColorOrBlackAndWhite (An indicator for Color versus black and white), ChartType (forecast or analysis), flightLevel (flight level), fileValidTime (Date/time of the start of the chart's vaild period), forecastPeriod (just a string), graphicType (VWG or GIF). Added errorType elements to WX011, WX012 response messages.

Version 2:
* Converted Category to enums, added "All" enumeration to GraphicWxCategoryType, added chart Titles enumerations, added ability to request either single or multiple graphic image requests, defined category as common type within Weather.xsd, and added support for querying and outputting KML and KMZ.

Version 3:
* AIM Changes for GeoJSON integration into HWS.

Version 4:
* Added "Winds and Temps Aloft"

Version 5:
* Added "levelOfDetail" element to WX011, WX014 request and WX011, WX012, WX014 response. "levelOfDetail" to be optional, integer with a range from 1 to 100. Annotations: level of detail with a selection of 100 = highest level of detail and is the largest file size, for best use outside of the cockpit. 1 = lowest level of detail and is the smallest file size. Best use on mobile devices. level of detail is not specified, a default of 1 will be assumed by the receiving system.

Version 6:
* Added "CONUS Surface Forecast", "Global Surface Forecast" to productTitle/GraphicImageTitlesType, Changed "Radar Winter Mosaic" to "Canada Radar Winter Mosaic" and "U.S. Radar Winter Mosaic in GraphicWxImageTitlesType, Added "Upper Level Analysis" to productTitle/GraphicImageTitlesType, Added "Tropical Cyclone Tracks" to productTitle/GraphicImageTitlesType, Added "High ice Water Content Analysis", "High Ice Water Content Forecast" to productTitle/GraphicImageTitlesType, and GraphicImageTitlesType is in WX003, PUBLISH, WX011 Request/Response, WX012 Request/Response, WX014  Request/Response. Updating enumerations, "Lifting Index to Lifted Index".

Version 7:
* Changed enumeration for NEXRAD to delete the null value, and update annotation for wrapping issue.

Version 8:
* Added 3 enumerations to WX011 productTitle defined as GraphicWxImages type: Accumulated Precipitation Mosaic, Global Visible Satellite Imagery, Forecast Radar Mosaic. Additions of enumerations to WxImages type also changes WX003, WX012, WX014.


3.13  WX013 – Historical Weather

3.13.1  Message Overview

The Message Overview for this version is not yet available for this DRAFT version.

3.13.2  Message System Flow

A Message Systems Flow diagram is not yet available for this DRAFT version.

3.13.3  Message Details

The following table provides details on the message and includes links to the message’s technical specification.

Message Version

WX013 v1

Message Header Details

msgName: WX013
version: 1

Message Specification

WX013 HistoricWxRequestType
WX013 HistoricWxResponseType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages

Samples not available for this message version.

Message Version History Initial message.

Version 1:
* Updated WX012 messageCatalogTemplate to WX013 to v1, and MessageChangeList.


3.14  WX014 – Weather Notification

3.14.1  Message Overview

The Message Overview for this version is not yet available for this DRAFT version.

3.14.2  Message System Flow

A Message Systems Flow diagram is not yet available for this DRAFT version.

3.14.3  Message Details

The following table provides details on the message and includes links to the message's technical specification.

Message Version

WX014 v9

Message Header Details

msgName: WX014
version: 9

Message Specification

WX014 WeatherNotificationRequestType
WX014 WeatherNotificationResponseType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages

Samples not available for this message version.

Message Version History

Initial message.

Version B:
* Added "most efficient" enumeration to the graphicWxOutputFormat element in WX014 request (this new value is Most Efficient). Added "most efficient" enumeration to the graphicWxOutputFormat element in WX014 request. Modified WX014 request to support NAVAID, NDB, VOR for geographicArea. Modified uniqueIdentifier to optional. The value, when selected, indicates to the HWS that a file should be returned in the most efficient format based on the file size. That is, if the file size is above a certain threshold, the system sends the file to a URL. If it is below a certain threshold, the system sends the file in Base64 format.

Version C:
* Added the ability to query graphical weather by geographic region to the request, added KML and KMZ as output types to the response, added flightLevel to geographicArea/geographicPointType as an optional integer with a UOM of Hundreds of Feet to the request, defined category as common type within Weather.xsd, modified to support 72 hr forecast intervals, modified request to support NAVAID, NDB, VOR for weather between two points, changed ForecastPeriod name in textWxRequest to textWxForecastPeriod, and changed ForecastPeriod name in graphicWxRequest was changed to graphicWxForecastPeriod.

Note: 1 November 2017 - Changed textWxRequest to textWxForecastPeriod, graphicWxRequest to graphicWxForecastPeriod.

Version 1:
* Moved to version 1

Version 2:
* Added coordinates/latitude, longitude (GeographicPointType) to PqPwResponseBodyDataGroupType for support of raw winds aloft data. Data group exists in: WX014 vD REQUEST/RESPONSE weatherNotificationResponse/ wxNotification / wxReport / pqPwResponse.
* AIM Changes for GeoJSON integration into HWS.
* Defined NavigationPointType elements ndb, vor, vorTac as xs:string.

Version 3:
* Added "Winds and Temps Aloft"
* Added AIRMET and SIGMET to the WX007 Response (changes WX003, WX005, WX007, WX014 responses). Change enrouteWeatherGroup/responseFormat to required.

Version 4:
* Updated WX014 to version 4, Changed geographicArea group of elements to repeatable so that Aviator may make a single request for multiple geo areas.

Version 5:
* Added Decoded VAAC - Volcanic Ash Advisory Center Bulletin
* Added "levelOfDetail" element to WX011, WX014 request and WX011, WX012, WX014 response. "levelOfDetail" to be optional, integer with a range from 1 to 100. Annotations: level of detail with a selection of 100 = highest level of detail and is the largest file size, for best use outside of the cockpit. 1 = lowest level of detail and is the smallest file size. Best use on mobile devices. level of detail is not specified, a default of 1 will be assumed by the receiving system. Added "WAP" to "textWxProducts" tag in WX014 request.

Version 6:
* Made geographicArea repeatable so that a single request can be made for multiple locations.
* Added "CONUS Surface Forecast", "Global Surface Forecast" to productTitle/GraphicImageTitlesType, Changed "Radar Winter Mosaic" to "Canada Radar Winter Mosaic" and "U.S. Radar Winter Mosaic in GraphicWxImageTitlesType, Added "Upper Level Analysis" to productTitle/GraphicImageTitlesType, Added "Tropical Cyclone Tracks" to productTitle/GraphicImageTitlesType, Added "High ice Water Content Analysis", "High Ice Water Content Forecast" to productTitle/GraphicImageTitlesType, and GraphicImageTitlesType is in WX003, PUBLISH, WX011 Request/Response, WX012 Request/Response, WX014  Request/Response. Updating enumerations, "Lifting Index to Lifted Index".

Version 7:
* Changed enumeration for NEXRAD to delete the null value, and update annotation for wrapping issue.

Version 8:
* Added "Icing Forecast", and "Turbulence Forecast" to WX014 graphicWxImageTitle. //wxNotification/wxReport/graphicWxOutput/graphicWxImageTitle
* Added CWA (Center Weather Advisory), SWXA (Space Weather Advisory) to //WeatherNotificationRequestType)/weatherProducts/textWxRequest/textWxProducts
* Added "wxSourceName" optional string element to response only, at: //element(*,WeatherNotificationResponseType)/wxSourceName

Version 9:

* Added GAMET enumeration to SignificantWxProductNameType causes updates. Added 3 enumerations to WX011 productTitle defined as GraphicWxImages type: Accumulated Precipitation Mosaic, Global Visible Satellite Imagery, Forecast Radar Mosaic. Additions of enumerations to WxImages type also changes WX003, WX012, WX014.


3.15  WX015 – Global Wx In Effect

3.15.1  Message Overview

The Message Overview for this version is not yet available for this DRAFT version.

3.15.2  Message System Flow

A Message Systems Flow diagram is not yet available for this DRAFT version.

3.15.3  Message Details

The following table provides details on the message and includes links to the message's technical specification.

Message Version

WX015 v6

Message Header Details

msgName: WX015
version: 6

Message Specification

WX015 GlobalWxInEffectRequestType
WX015 GlobalWxInEffectResponseType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages

Samples not available for this message version.

Message Version History

Version 1:
* Added WX015 at version 1: To support request/response for all global for TAFs, METARs.

Version 2:
* Added airmet, sigmet, pirep, vaac, to response.

Version 3:
* Added Decoded VAAC - Volcanic Ash Advisory Center Bulletin. Changed "allEffectiveVaacs" elemement to maxOccurs="unbounded" in WX015 response.

Version 4:
* WX011 productTitle, add enumerations (up version to v6) : WSI SIGMET, WSI FPG;

Version 5:
* Added CWA (Center Weather Advisory), SWXA (Space Weather Advisory) to //GlobalWxInEffect/wxInEffectRequest - Added "wxSourceName", optional string element to response only, at: //element(*,GlobalWxInEffectResponseType)/allEffectiveTafs/wxSourceName, //element(*,GlobalWxInEffectResponseType)/allEffectiveMetars/wxSourceName, //element(*,GlobalWxInEffectResponseType)/allEffectivePireps/wxSourceName, //element(*,GlobalWxInEffectResponseType)/allEffectiveSigmets/wxSourceName, //element(*,GlobalWxInEffectResponseType)/allEffectiveAirmets/wxSourceName, //element(*,GlobalWxInEffectResponseType)/allEffectiveVaacs/wxSourceName

Version 6:

* Added GAMET enumeration to SignificantWxProductNameType causes updates to: WX005, WX007, WX014, WX015.